Jargon file; The Jargon file; Hacker's dictionary; The Hacker's Dictionary; Hacker slang; Godzillagram; Jargon dictionary; Hacker koan; Hacker jargon; Hacker's Dictionary; Hackers dictionary; Hackers' dictionary; Computer hacker slang; New Hackers Dictionary; New Hackers' Dictionary; New Hacker's Dictionary; Crunchly; Btkatc; Hacker jargon dictionary; The Jargon File; Hacker's Jargon File; Hacker koans; AI koans; List of Computer jargon; Microsloth; Hacker's Jargon Dictionary; Hackers jargon file; Jargon.txt; Computerese; Ai koan; Unix koan; The New Hacker's Dictionary; New Hacker Dictionary; The New Hacker Dictionary; Ha ha, only serious; Hacker jargon file; The New Hacker’s Dictionary; Ice cream koan; Hackish; The Hacker's Dictionary: A Guide to the Computer Underground; The Hacker’s Dictionary: A Guide to the Computer Underground
(n.) = lenguaje técnico informático, jerga informática
Ex: Attention has been paid to the interface between the system and the user in an effort to remove all computerese from the dialogue language.